Find Us
4999 Disston Drive
Saint Cloud, FL 34771
(407) 282-8635
Open/pick-up hours
Monday 11:30am to 3:30pm (please call ahead to confirm inventory)
Wednesday 11:30 to 3:30 pm (please call ahead to confirm inventory)
3rd Sunday of each month 3:00-6:00pm (Open House, no appointment necessary)
Delivery days
Typically on Thursday or Friday, weekly. We deliver to Greater Orlando, no further than 50 miles away from our Saint Cloud location. There are no delivery fees charged at this time, but we will be setting that capability up on our shopping cart soon.
About This Site
We approach the topic of food from an anthropological point of view, striving to bring-back the traditions that kept humanity alive and robustly healthy for many thousands of years. It is our goal to resurrect real food traditions and bring them back to the dinner table!