Butterfly Pea Flower Seed Packet




Plant Butterfly Pea Flower in your garden with these seeds! The seeds are harvested from the Traditional Lifestyle Creations permaculture garden. Grow Zone 9-12. Prefers well drained moist soil but will grow in dry conditions once established. Will grow in any sun exposure. Butterfly pea flower is a deep rooted vine that prefers room to spread on the ground or something to climb on. Often called spurred butterfly pea vine, it is dormant in the winter and flowers from spring through fall. It may a tolerate a light freeze. Pruning by pinching new growth tips will encourage a fuller vine. Butterfly pea flower is a source of vitamin A, C and E. Minerals include potassium, zinc, and iron. The fresh flowers can be eaten in salads and on baked goods as a fresh garnish. The flowers, and sometimes the leaves, are most commonly dried and steeped as a tea or liquid for use in recipes. As an herbal tea, it is mild and often mixed with other ingredients such as lemon, honey and other herbs. The liquid color changes with a PH change so will range from magenta, blue to violet depending what is added to it. Add steeped liquid to tea drinks, latte, lemonade, desserts, blue rice and noodles.


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